this image was taken over in Indonesia where the weather is much nicer than in Switzerland
hi, i’m niels

n (.) muendler (at) posteo (.) de

I do research in Informatics

This is what I usually say when people ask me what I do. English natives like to call this “computer science”. But trust me, Informatics is something completely different.

I started in 2017 at TUM, spent the second half of 2019 (“fall”) at NUS. I graduated as M.Sc. CS at ETH in 2024 and am now a PhD Student under Martin Vechev.

I like working with Isabelle/HOL, LLMs and Python (usually these fields do not overlap). If you are interested in my CS related stuff, head over to my github page. If you are interested in my research, check out my research page. You can also find me on Twitter

Other topics

BüKE, EJM and Haydee! e.V are all great projects/institutions I recommend checking out.